Welcome to Offton & Willisham Parish Council

This website is provided by the Parish Council for residents, newcomers and visitors of the two hamlets of Offton and Willisham. The site also serves to make the Council more accessible to residents and to encourage their involvement through meetings and make available public council documents. Please do not visit a councillor at their home.

To contact the Council please email: clerk@offtonandwillisham-pc.gov.uk or telephone on: 07425 672631

Parish Council meetings will normally be on the first Monday of every other month and start at 7:30pm

Remaining meetings for 2023-2024:

20th May 2024 earlier start of 6pm due to holding the Annual Parish Meeting after

The parish councillors are:

Mr Timothy Wells (Chair) Offton
Mr. Andrew Cox (Vice-chairman) Willisham
Mrs. Cindy Eves Offton
Mr. Colin Pinson-Roxburgh Offton
Mr Lois Seddon Offton


VACANCY Willisham

VACANCY Willisham

VACANCY Willisham


Miss Teresa Davis Parish Clerk 07425 672631